If you like Henry Miller and the circle around him, including Simone De Beauvoir and Anais Nin and their doings and actions in Paris in 1930, then the book Frigørelsens Tid is the book...
“I hate inspiration. It takes you over completely. I could never wait until it passed and I got rid of it” - Henry Miller. That being said, below you will find a bit on what inspires me. There could be something in the rubble to inspire you too.
I min mesterlære giver jeg dig unik indsigt i, hvordan vi med fokus på økonomisk og menneskelig vækst har skabt konglomeratet THORNICO, der driver mere end 120 selskaber i hele verden. Jeg kommer blandt andet ind på hvorfor det er vigtigt at have fokus på kreativitet, hvis du vil skabe resultater, hvordan man skaber differentiering og fokuserer sin ledelse.
If you like Henry Miller and the circle around him, including Simone De Beauvoir and Anais Nin and their doings and actions in Paris in 1930, then the book Frigørelsens Tid is the book...
A super interesting book for those who are interested in the nooks and corners of the mind - "The man who couldn't stop" by David Adam. Maybe a bit thick and cheezy to symbolically...
Rose Eken is the great artist behind this art work, which have given some quite interesting reactions when people get back from my bathroom, where it is placed rather casually...
Obsessions are fascinating, even though at times a creeping size. These are, in a milder form, described in the fine book "Daily Rituals" where a number of artists describe their - hence the name...
The biography is one of my favourite liteary genres and within this especially the dramatic history of development, which balance on the edge of the normal. In this connection there are good...
Eric Alan Rapp (from US, entrepreneur with many years of experience from investment banking and venture fonds all over the world) came to our meeting with a box of "Lucky Buddha Beer"...
Hans Henrik Lerfeldt - literally one of the biggest artists from the 80s.
I suppose it is time to form a bridge between the interests for both martial arts and literature, even though some might find them incompatible...
Inspired a lot by the Beat Generation - this one is still worth a re-read. I read and re-read (to my girl friend's stomach) from Dan Turells "Karma Cowboy - a masterpiece from the master and...