Honorary Consul of Bhutan
Christian Nicholas Stadil has been appointed Honorary Consul of Bhutan in Copenhagen with jurisdiction in Denmark by The Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Below you will find relevant info and links whether you are a citizen or a visitor of Bhutan.
Citizens of Bhutan
Travel advisory: https://www.mfa.gov.bt/travel-advisory-2/
Passport services and related FAQs: https://www.mfa.gov.bt/passport-application/
Assistance during an emergency: https://www.mfa.gov.bt/assistance-during-emergency/
Attestation of documents: https://www.mfa.gov.bt/attestation-of-documents-2/
Visa requirements for Bhutanese travelling abroad: https://www.mfa.gov.bt/rbedelhi/consular-services/bhutanese-officials-travelling-abroad/
Vacancies with international organisations: https://www.mfa.gov.bt/fellowships-scholarships-and-job-opportunities-abroad/
Consular Service for Bhutanese Living Abroad: https://www.mfa.gov.bt/rbebrussels/consular-service-for-bhutanese-officials-living-abroad/
For registration with the embassy and in case of any emergency services, contact the Royal Bhutanese Embassy in Brussels at the following address:
Royal Bhutanese Embassy
Avenue Jules Cesar 70
1150 Bruxelles
Phone : 00 32 2 761 95 70
Website: www.mfa.gov.bt/rbebrussels/
Visitors of Bhutan
Visa to enter Bhutan: https://www.mfa.gov.bt/visa-to-enter-bhutan/
Consular services: https://www.mfa.gov.bt/consular-services-2/
Scholarships to study in Bhutan: https://www.mfa.gov.bt/scholarships-to-study-in-bhutan-2/
Tourism: https://www.mfa.gov.bt/tourism/
You can read more about visiting Bhutan here: https://bhutan.travel/
Contact the Royal Bhutanese Embassy for more information:
Royal Bhutanese Embassy
Avenue Jules Cesar 70
1150 Bruxelles
Phone : 00 32 2 761 95 70
Website: www.mfa.gov.bt/rbebrussels/
To contact the Honorary Consul of Bhutan in Copenhagen, please find the information here:
Christina Eisensøe, Honorary Consul Assistant
Svanemøllevej 17
2100 Copenhagen, Denmark
Phone: +45 42 13 01 60
E-mail: bhutan@thornico.com