"Imagine a multidimensional spider’s web in the early morning covered with dew drops. In every dew drop you see the reflection of all the other dew drops. And in each reflected dew drop, you see all the reflections of the other dew drops. And so ad infinitum".
That is the philosophical conception of the universe in an image called Indra’s Net, used among others by Alan Watts to describe the interconnectedness and interdependency of everything and everyone. We formed THORNICO in the imagery of this spider’s web; Now a global net of over 130 companies in more than 50 countries, interconnected with each other and their surroundings, creating something more than just the sum of the individual parts - and in this a billion dollar business.
We operate in a diverse business portfolio, striving to create synergy between our businesses and our people. From our vast real estate business merging concrete with nature in the urban environment; our pioneering experience with natural and functional ingredients as well as the handling and processing equipment designed for this; our sustainable packaging products and machinery, our investments in innovative and cutting-edge business solutions, and our creative design and manufacturing of sports & fashion apparel and footwear. And as our business keeps growing, we continuously add new dew drops, expanding our THORNICO Spider’s Web.
In the THORNICO group of companies, we see our interconnectedness as an opportunity to draw us closer to the people we work with, to ‘tear down silos’ and to think more holistically. We call this our Company Karma philosophy; our mantra on doing good whilst doing business. As a core value in our company culture, we believe that positive actions will send positive ripples across the infinite net, touching every dew drop, every company, every colleague on its way. In a cohesive world, this can act as a never-ending spiral of positive change.
Buy the ticket - take the ride
Thor Stadil & Christian Stadil
As pioneers in this field of business and with more than 70 years of experience, Lactosan and Ovodan supply natural, functional ingredients based on cheese and egg through our food companies. Our skilled application teams assist food manufacturers globally in meeting tomorrow’s market and consumer demands for innovative, natural, authentic and great tasting food products. Whether you are looking to develop new product concepts or seeking international inspiration, we have the products, technologies and know-how to help you bring great FOOD tasting products to market.
With an extensive product range, our food technology companies offer our customers innovative, flexible and efficient systems. We are the world leading specialist within the development and manufacture of high-standard egg handling and processing equipment. Constantly monitoring industry trends, we have also expanded our product portfolio with the introduction of spray drying of other protein applications, robots, equipment for hatcheries and enzymes. We are committed to keep developing the most advanced and efficient solutions to meet the future customer demands for high quality, capacity and biosecurity.
Through Hartmann, we are one of the largest producers of moulded-fibre egg packaging products and machinery for producing moulded-fibre packaging. Over many decades, we have secured a strong market position on three continents through our versatile product portfolio, well-established production platform, deep market expertise and technological know-how. In our packaging solutions, sustainability is an integral component of our business model, and all products are based on recycled paper, which is a renewable and biodegradable resource.
With our long tradition of designing, developing and manufacturing performance products and celebrating milestone moments with some of the world’s greatest athletes and personalities, we have become an integral part of the international sports community. By combining innovation with market trends, hummel has successfully managed to blend sport and fashion, performance and purpose delivering products and statements with strong personality, integrity and karma.
Through STANICO, we manage the financial, commercial and technical matters of our vast real estate portfolio constituting a mix of offices, industrial and residential properties. We always aim at finding solutions in accordance with our different types of tenants, maintaining good relations with the people who call our buildings ‘home’. With a sustainable and green mindset, we have introduced some of the world’s most innovative green projects in our buildings, merging concrete with nature in the urban environment.
Through our shipping companies, we provide solid and reliable shipping services around the world. We operate within commercial ship management, time chartering and ship brokering. We offer tailor-made transport solutions and hold one of the world’s largest multipurpose/project fleets, reaching anywhere in the world at any time.
By investing as co-founder, seed, preseed or minority investor in a diverse range of businesses, communities and platforms, we contribute to the start-up and development of unique products and services tapping into new consumer preferences and market trends. With our non-controlling investments, we wish to help these businesses grow, whether it means by supporting product development, recruitment processes or market expansions. Our ventures also help us expand our knowledge of the new generation of consumers, learning new innovative ways to interact and meet their needs.