Scott Carney har skrevet to super bøger; What Doesn’t Kill Us, som var den første bog der sådan rigtigt introducerede Wim Hof og hans metoder til en bredere offentlighed og så The Enlightenment Trap...
I suppose it is time to form a bridge between the interests for both martial arts and literature, even though some might find them incompatible. And this is not a list of fashionable society, as when Mailer writes about the rumble in the jungle or when Jack London writes about Jack Johnson. These are "real" books about the nooks and corners of martial arts. I especially have to single out Sam Sheridans (who BTW is educated at Harvard) "The Fighters Mind" and "A Fighters Heart." Great books. And also my old bible since the start 80ies "Zen and the Martial Arts." And yes, then there is also a book by Chuck Norris in the pile, and it is not one of those with......."Brokeback Mountain is not just a movie. It's also what Chuck Norris calls the pile of dead ninjas in his front yard."
Scott Carney har skrevet to super bøger; What Doesn’t Kill Us, som var den første bog der sådan rigtigt introducerede Wim Hof og hans metoder til en bredere offentlighed og så The Enlightenment Trap...
Efter et par ugers gennemlytninger må jeg bare sige, at for mig er Nick Caves nye album Wild God (fed titel i øvrigt) et masterpiece...
Hvem havde lige regnet med at Jim Carrey, der kom ud af bagdelen på et næsehorn i Ace Ventura, skulle gå hen og blive en af de større samtidstænkere og filosoffer?!