Scott Carney har skrevet to super bøger; What Doesn’t Kill Us, som var den første bog der sådan rigtigt introducerede Wim Hof og hans metoder til en bredere offentlighed og så The Enlightenment Trap...
One of my favorite quotes, and this to such a great extent that I have it on my business card (old school; I know) is by the poet, writer and activist Allen Ginsberg, who passed away 20 years ago. The quote goes, “Follow your inner moonlight; don’t hide the madness”. It is for many different reasons I find the quote important, wherefore I also included it in my speech to my lovely goddaughter, Maria recently. We shall dare to let the madness in, or in another word, wryness in.
That includes our private life, but also in business. When visiting the most productive innovation centers in the world for example in California; Palo Alto among others, very few looks alike, though to look different can also be a uniform á la the series, Silicon Valley! Sometimes, I meet between the fact that you can wear funny glasses, have tattoos, from time to time attend curious television shows, and still slog away and form as well as drive relatively reasonable businesses and companies, and sometimes with a portion of luck.
It is in my belief that it is possible because, if companies’ solitary is made up of men with an average age of 46,5 years, dressed in light blue shirts and with an interest in marathon races, then I simply don’t believe that it will seem very conducive on the ability to innovate, the creativity, the long-term ability to grow, including the number of IP’s and new productive products that come out in the end. The light blue shirts should of course also be there, but not just, “Follow your inner moonlight; don’t hide the madness”.
Scott Carney har skrevet to super bøger; What Doesn’t Kill Us, som var den første bog der sådan rigtigt introducerede Wim Hof og hans metoder til en bredere offentlighed og så The Enlightenment Trap...
Efter et par ugers gennemlytninger må jeg bare sige, at for mig er Nick Caves nye album Wild God (fed titel i øvrigt) et masterpiece...
Hvem havde lige regnet med at Jim Carrey, der kom ud af bagdelen på et næsehorn i Ace Ventura, skulle gå hen og blive en af de større samtidstænkere og filosoffer?!