And here is a writer of whom I in recent years have become more and more, yes love is perhaps not the most precise choice of words, however  whom I have become so fascinated by and drawn to. The many reasons but besides that - which probably comes as a surprise to many - he is also easy to read and very entertaining, so you also become wiser in such a real professional way as his particular literary, political, historical and philosophical references are so numerous, thus I often read his books with wikipedia (which everyone knows is a precise reference tool) - It is a joy to hear about a permeated and distorted well-known writer or philosopher whose name you have never heard. And although I thought that I'm pretty geeky with this kind, this kind continues to show up quite often and forth on the pages.

The book is actualized by its theme - which certainly is and oughts to be awakening thoughts, because of its correlation to the attack on Charlie Hebdo, which does not fill as much as you might think. In addition, the book's protagonist Francois is the same age as myself, so maybe there is a hint of something recognizable there. Nomatter - give Michel Houellebecq a chance!



05 July 2024

Sebastian Junger har jeg fulgt og læst de sidste mange år bl.a. gennem hans artikler i Vanity Fair og hans bøger, hvoraf The Perfect Storm, der senere blev filmatiseret, nok stadig er den mest kendte...


30 June 2024

Nok ikke alle der er til emnet hverken interesse eller forståelses- (al respekt😅😇) mæssigt, men det er noget af det mest relevante jeg længe har hørt - hvad angår det menneskelige sind, bevidsthed og psykologi...


26 June 2024

Kender I det, når man rigtig glæder sig til at tage en bid af en ny bog. Mange tak for den Poul...