During the summer, there have also been time for a couple of books, among others this” Vinternoter” by Paul Auster. I believe that, I have read all his books, and I jumped the gun on his authorship in the 80s with the New York trilogy. However, this work is diverse since it is a self-autobiographical. Maybe, most fascinating for Auster nerds, but as always super well-written and different composed from the biography norm. 



13 November 2024

Scott Carney har skrevet to super bøger; What Doesn’t Kill Us, som var den første bog der sådan rigtigt introducerede Wim Hof og hans metoder til en bredere offentlighed og så The Enlightenment Trap...

Wild God

14 September 2024

Efter et par ugers gennemlytninger må jeg bare sige, at for mig er Nick Caves nye album Wild God (fed titel i øvrigt) et masterpiece...

Jim Carrey

19 July 2024

Hvem havde lige regnet med at Jim Carrey, der kom ud af bagdelen på et næsehorn i Ace Ventura, skulle gå hen og blive en af de større samtidstænkere og filosoffer?!