In The Miso Soup
I remember this quote from Marcus Tullius Cicero from the Latin-lessons in school, and I have found it to hold a lot of truth. Just like a piece of art, books add something to a room; best described as spirit. Like no other media, Books can inspire and give strong emotional reactions.
For that reason, I have singled out some of my personal favourite fiction and non-fiction books. I’m the first to admit that all books probably won’t be for all, but I believe that all will be able to find one or two books for inspiration.
We have given each of our Danish headquarters a set of books on the list below. Some books are in Danish, most of them are available in English at your local bookstore or library. It is my wish that you may find inspiration for your next book experience on the list.
Continuously, I will review a book from the list here on this page, and also, the list will be updated with new books.
All the best, and I welcome you to the THORNICO Library. Be inspired.
In The Miso Soup
Making Sense
The Fighters Mind
Author |
Title |
Alan Watts |
The Way of Zen = - [Zendao] |
Aldous Huxley & J G Ballard |
The Doors of Perception - And Heaven and Hell (The Doors of Perception WITH Heaven and Hell) |
Alex Honnold |
Alone on the Wall - Alex Honnold and the Ultimate Limits of Adventure |
Alice Schroeder |
The Snowball - Warren Buffett and the Business of Life |
Ashlee Vance |
Elon Musk - Tesla, SpaceX og jagten på en fantastisk fremtid |
Barack Obama |
Et forjættet land |
Bill Morgan |
I Celebrate Myself - The Somewhat Private Life of Allen Ginsberg |
Brad Stone |
The Everything Store - Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon |
Bruce Lee |
Bruce Lee Jeet Kune Do |
Bruce Lee |
Tao of Jeet Kune Do - Bound for Schoo (Bound for Schoo) |
Charles Baudelaire, James McGowan & Jonathan Culler |
The Flowers of Evil |
Christian Stadil |
Personligt karma |
Christian Stadil |
I bad med picasso |
Christopher Hitchens |
God Is Not Great - How Religion Poisons Everything |
Christopher Hitchens |
Mortality |
Chuck Palahniuk |
Fight Club - A Novel |
Clayton Christensen |
How Will You Measure Your Life? |
Dalai Lama XIV |
The Leader's Way - Business, Buddhism and Happiness in an Interconnected World |
Dan Harris |
10% Happier - How I Tamed the Voice in My Head, Reduced Stress Without Losing My Edge, and Found Self-Help That Actually Works - A True Story |
Dan Harris |
Meditation For Fidgety Skeptics - A 10% Happier How-To Book |
Dan Turèll |
Karma Cowboy |
Daniel Kahneman |
At tænke - hurtigt og langsomt |
David Goldmann |
Følelsernes inteligens - Emotional Intelligence |
David Lynch |
At fange de store fisk |
David Lynch & Kristine Mckenna |
Drømmerum |
David Peterson |
WSL Ving Tsun Kuen Hok |
David Wallace-Wells |
Den ubeboelige klode - en historie om vores fremtid |
Ed Catmull & Amy Wallace |
Creativity, Inc. - Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True Inspiration |
Edgar H Schein |
Helping: How to Offer, Give, and Receive Help - How to Offer, Give, and Receive Help |
Gillian Flynn |
Sharp Objects |
Gillian Flynn |
Kvinden der forsvandt |
Gitte Dybkjær, Tonny Maak Larsen & Rasmus Hougaard |
The Mind of the Leader - sådan leder du dig selv, dine medarbejdere og din organisation til at skabe ekstraordinære resultater |
Gregory David Roberts |
Shantaram |
Haruki Murakami |
Hvad jeg taler om når jeg taler om at løbe |
Haruki Murakami |
Kafka på stranden |
Hermann Hesse |
Siddhartha - en indisk legende |
Imran Rashid |
Mærkbarhed |
Imran Rashid |
SLUK - kunsten at overleve i en digital verden |
Imran Rashid |
Sunde vaner - skabt med vilje - 4 bevidste trin til et sundere liv |
Imran Rashid & Kristina Pries |
Tænd fantasien |
Imran Rashid & Søren Kenner |
Offline - lær at stoppe det - lær at gennemskue det - digital manipulation på smartphones og sociale medier |
Jack Kerouac |
Dharma bums - roman |
Jack Kerouac |
On the Road |
Jean-Christophe Grangé |
Rejsende uden bagage |
Jim Collins |
Good to great - hvorfor nogle virksomheder tager springet fra god til fantastisk - og andre ikke |
Jim Collins & Jerry I Porras |
Built To Last - Successful Habits of Visionary Companies |
Jo Nesbø |
Snemanden |
Jo Nesbø |
Genfærd |
Jocko Willink |
Leadership Strategy and Tactics - Field Manual |
Joe Hyams |
Zen in the Martial Arts |
John David Mann & Bob Burg |
The go-giver - en inspirerende fortælling om at få, når man giver |
John Fowles |
The Magus |
Jon Krakauer |
Into the Wild |
Jon Krakauer |
Into Thin Air - A Personal Account of the Everest Disaster |
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Om at spise dyr |
Joshua Foer |
Moonwalk med Einstein - kunsten at huske alt |
Karin Slaughter |
De smukkeste |
Karin Slaughter |
Den gode datter |
Keigo Higashino |
Den ophøjede morder |
Lars Movin |
Beat - på sporet af den amerikanske beatgeneration |
Lars Movin |
Allen Ginsberg i Danmark |
Lawrence A Cunningham |
The Essays of Warren Buffett - Lessons for Investors and Managers |
Leonard Cohen |
Book of Longing |
Linda Lee Cadwell & John R Little |
The Warrior Within - The Philosophies of Bruce Lee |
Malcolm Gladwell |
Blink - The Power of Thinking Without Thinking |
Malcolm Gladwell |
David and Goliath - Underdogs, Misfits and the Art of Battling Giants |
Malcolm Gladwell |
Outliers |
Malcolm Gladwell |
The Tipping Point - How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference (OBS 1 bog er I stykker) |
Marie Kronquist |
Se tigeren i øjnene |
Mark Epstein |
Going to Pieces Without Falling Apart - A Buddhist Perspective on Wholeness |
Mark Epstein |
Thoughts Without a Thinker - Psychotherapy from a Buddhist Perspective (Revised) |
Mark Manson |
Kunsten at være fucking ligeglad |
Martin Sorrell & Arthur Rimbaud |
Collected Poems |
Matthew McConaughey |
Greenlights (PB) - C-format - Raucous stories and outlaw wisdom from the Academy Award-winning actor |
Michael Pollan |
Din foranderlige bevidsthed - hvad den nye videnskab om psykedeliske stoffer lærer os om bevidsthed, det at dø, afhængighed, depression og transcendens |
Michel Houellebecq |
Kortet og landskabet |
Michel Houellebecq |
Submission |
Michelle Obama |
Min Historie |
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi |
Creativity - The Psychology of Discovery and Invention |
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi |
Flow - The Psychology of Happiness (OBS. Titel: Flow - the classisc work on how to achieve happiness) ok |
Nassim Nicholas Taleb |
The Black Swan- The Impact of the Highly Improbable |
Neil Young |
Waging Heavy Peace - A Hippie Dream |
Nicholas D Kristof & Sheryl WuDunn |
Half the Sky - Turning Oppression Into Opportunity for Women Worldwide |
Patricia Highsmith |
Tom Ripleys talent |
Patti Smith |
Abens år |
Peter Thiel |
Zero to One - Notes on Start Ups, or How to Build the Future |
Phil Knight |
Shoe Dog - A Memoir by the Creator of NIKE |
Pierre Lemaitre |
Irène |
Rainer Maria Rilke, Robert Vilain, Marielle Sutherland & Susan Ranson |
Selected Poems- with parallel German text |
Ralph McCarthy & Ryu Murakami |
In The Miso Soup |
Ralph Steadman & Hunter S Thompson |
Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72 |
Rebecca Solnit |
A Field Guide To Getting Lost |
Rebecca Solnit |
Wanderlust - A History of Walking |
Robert Wright |
Derfor er buddhismen sand - videnskaben og filosofien bag meditation og oplysning |
Roberto Bolano |
De vilde detektiver |
Roberto Bolaño |
2666 |
Roy Jenkins |
Churchill |
Sam Harris |
Fri Vilje |
Sam Harris |
Making Sense - Conversations on Consciousness, Morality and the Future of Humanity |
Sam Harris |
Waking Up - Searching for Spirituality Without Religion |
Sam Sheridan |
A fighter's Heart: One Man's Journey Through the World og Fighting |
Sam Sheridan |
The Fighter's Mind - inside the mental game |
Scott Carney |
What Doesn't Kill Us - the bestselling guide to transforming your body by unlocking your lost evolutionary strength |
Simon Sinek |
Start med hvorfor - til alle, som vil inspirere andre og blive inspireret |
Sonia Purnell |
Clementine - The Life of Mrs. Winston Churchill |
Stephen King |
Om at skrive - en forfatters erindringsbog om håndværket |
Sylvie Simmons |
I'm Your Man - The Life of Leonard Cohen |
The Paris Review |
Paris Review Interviews, IV |
Timothy Ferriss |
Tools of Titans - The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World-Class Performers |
Tom Kristensen |
Hærværk |
Tomas Espedal |
Gå. eller kunsten at leve et vildt og poetisk liv |
Tommy Caldwell |
The Push - A Climber's Journey of Endurance, Risk and Going Beyond Limits to Climb the Dawn Wall |
Tony Hsieh |
Delivering Happiness - A Path to Profits, Passion, and Purpose |
Umberto Eco |
Rosens navn |
Walter Isaacson |
Steve Jobs - en biografi om manden bag Apple |
William Finnegan |
Barbarian Days. A surfing life |
William S Burroughs |
Junky - The Definitive Text of 'Junk' |
Wim Hof |
The Way of The Iceman - How The Wim Hof Method Creates Radiant, Longterm HealthaUsing The Science and Secrets of Breath Control, Cold-Training and Commitment |
Wim Hof |
Wim Hof-metoden - Aktiver dit potentiale og sæt dig ud over dine begrænsninger |
Winston Churchill |
Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat |
Winston Churchill |
Mine unge år |
Winston Churchill |
The River War - An Account of the Reconquest of the Sudan |
Yoko Ono |
Grapefruit a book if instruction and Drawing by Yoko Ono |
Yuval Noah Harari |
Sapiens - en kort historie om menneskeheden |
Yvon Chouinard |
Let My People Go Surfing - The Education of a Reluctant Businessman - Including 10 More Years of Business as Usual |
Yvon Chouinard & Vincent Stanley |
The Responsible Company - What We've Learned from Patagonia's First 40 Years |
Below I will be sharing my book reviews continually - stay tuned...
Beat master Rick Rubins bog, om kreativitet og skaberånd; The Creative Act: A Way of Being, beskriver en del som har været beskrevet før bl.a. af Lene Tanggaard og undertegnede i vores bog I Bad Med Picasso; at alle kan blive mere kreative...
Jeg kom lidt sent til hendes forfatterskab, men det er bestemt et besøg værd (som hendes musik). Var initialt ved at gå lidt kold i den magiske realisme ex. i form af et talende skilt...
One of the business books I have read the most, I have drawn all over it, filled it with dog-ears and post-it...